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Tina Thomas

Assistant Psychologist

Tina Thomas has a background in Psychology, amongst other subjects. She is skilled in Project Management and has been self-employed for many years. Over the last 3 years, she has been taking the lead role in projects and guiding the way forward gaining invaluable experience. She has been gaining experience in writing funding bids and successfully acquired lottery funding. She hopes to help take PAS UK and ADAPT Gateway Mental Health move to the next level.

As a partner and wife of the founding member of ADAPT Gateway Mental Health, she is experienced in disability and would like to assist and provide support to the partners/friends and carers of disabled people through our peer support program.

Have you served in the Armed Forces and are struggling with adjusting to life outside of service? Or do you have an acquired disability and need some help?

Peer Advice Services UK are running a one-day course for veterans to provide knowledge and tools that will help improve mental health and tackle Civvy Street.